
Choosing You Project Management Team- Diversity Is Important

Choosing You Project Management Team- Diversity Is Important
The Choice Of Your Team Is Important For A Successful Project

Many are the times when you prefer to surround yourself with people that are of the same character and personality as yourself. There is a certain safety that comes with doing this. However, when it comes to projects, it is important that you do not choose people who are the same as you. Strive as much as possible to have disparity of characters and personalities. Isn’t it boring being in a room with people who always agree with what you say?
Diversity can be in the form race, language, culture and so on, the list is endless. However, the major basis on which I would advise a project manager to choose his team is personality. Your personality is who you are and rarely changes to accommodate anything.

You should avoid power struggles

It is better to choose a group of people that complement each others’ personalities. If not, you will find yourself in a situation where you have chosen ‘born to be leaders’, people who believe that only they should lead, which will ultimately lead to a power struggle. A team that has leaders and others that prefer to be led is more likely to accomplish more than a team in which everyone wants to call the shots.
Additionally, having a team with diverse views and opinions creates an environment where everyone is kept on their toes; ideas spring out every day and at most times, innovation might be sparked. The result of this is obvious. The project will be a great success in the sense that the quality of it will be of a high value. However, it is important that they know how to harmonize their diverse ideas to one.

Enjoy better productivity from a diverse team

Great productivity and success of the project is dependent on the individuals’ ability to prick each others’ strength and make up for their shortcomings. This also ensures that the team will be lively and active at all times.
Everyone has their own particular way of addressing different matters in life, be it problems or otherwise. The same goes for how you address your work. It is not uncommon to have people who have different aspects of work they prefer to pay a lot of attention to. Choosing a team that has the same procedure of working is dangerous as the results will be sub standard. It also means that some aspects of the project will not be fully looked into and worked on. No one likes substandard work.
On the other hand, choosing a team that has a detail specific, schedule specific and hyper focused people will go a long way in ascertaining good results. Every aspect of the project will be thoroughly dealt with. As they say, no stone will be left unturned.

Get your team good equipment for the job

Getting a diverse team is just the beginning. You also need to get them good equipment for the job. This could be computers and their accompanying application or software, or even cars for field work.