
Solving Project Development Issues

When you have a large project to complete you usually have several members of the company working together. Each company member is usually from a different department within the company, and although they are working together they are not working from the same room, or area.

Some of the problems that arise during project development are:

• Each department believes that their contribution to the project should take precedence over the contributions of other departments
• Managers that are stressed out trying to connect all of the different people, documents, and components
• A lack of complete understanding of the priorities in the project
• Lost documents or some participants not receiving all documentation
• Trouble communicating ideas, needs, and strategies
• Some departments might not be aware of changes so the whole team are not working together to create the ideal project
The traditional way of handling project complications during development is to have several meetings, have video chats, and send emails and make phone calls. That means that the head of the project must spend the majority of their time trying to keep everyone else involved with the project informed. That takes a lot of time and effort, and inevitably miscommunications are going to occur.

The traditional ways of solving issues will not suffice when you have many teams

Have you ever told someone something, and then they told it to someone else, and so on, until it gets back to you and what you hear is not even remotely, what you said? That is what happens when you try to play email and telephone tag amongst a group of individuals. Confusion sets in, documentation gets misplaced, and inevitably someone in the group of contacts will only receive a portion of the information and this leads to costly delays in project development.
If you choose to use Copper Project Management Software, then each member of the team working on the project will be able to log into the Copper account that you have and immediately see all of the details that they need to see in order to complete their work.

The Copper Project Management Software:

• Eliminates confusion because each team member sees the outlines for the goals, they see the work that has been done, they see all of the pertinent documentation, and they can leave progress reports for everyone else to see
• Allows team members to have full access to everything pertaining to the project without having to send emails and wait for the other party to respond.
• Everyone can see when the deadline for completion is, and what needs to be done to meet the deadline
• Everyone involved can see what the client thinks of the project work and what changes have been mandated and need to be implemented
Copper project management software is the perfect solution to the development issues that arise during the many phases of a project. This software allows everyone that needs to be connected to have the same information at the same time so the work can be completed in a timely manner.